Sorry.  I forgot to write in the subject line in my previous email.
 > From:
> To:
> Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 18:58:49 -0500
> Subject: [MOSAIC] (no subject)
> As I have said before, this is the first year I am following the Reader's 
> Workshop model.  My district does not follow/support reader's workshop.  I am 
> lucky to have the freedom in my school to use any teaching structure I want.  
> Out of almost 70 teachers, only 2 teachers in my school are doing reader's 
> workshop.  We are trying to convert the other teachers in our campus.  They 
> are noticing how our students are engaged in reading and are forming a 
> reading community that is extending outside the classroom. However, people in 
> my school are data driven (specifically standardized testing data), and they 
> will not consider any instructional method, unless there is tangible evidence 
> they drive results (standardized state testing).  Ok, this was just the 
> introduction, here is my concern.  My students seemed to be enjoying reading 
> and they are showing evidence of understanding/applying the comprehension 
> strategies/skills we are working on in class.  Nevertheless, when they take 
> one of those practice test we are required to give, everything seems to go 
> downhills.  It is like they are unable to transfer what we are learning with 
> authentic literature to the context of the test.  I honestly don't know what 
> to do.  I know there are people in my school, including some in the 
> administration, waiting to see what impact reader's workshop has on test 
> results.  Any ideas or advices.  HELP!!!!!!  Thank you. 
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