Hi Cuong,

the latest version of the MTeval script is v13a:
- ftp://jaguar.ncsl.nist.gov/mt/resources/mteval-v13a.pl

You don't have to write an own converter, just use wrap-xml.perl:
- http://statmt.org/wmt11/wrap-xml.perl

There are usage instructions on the WMT 2012 website;
under the "Test Set Submission" section:
- http://statmt.org/wmt12/translation-task.html

Hope that helps,

PS: the error message you're receiving tells you that there are
no <seg id="123">some sentence text</seg> segments (= sentences)
in your .sgm file;  again, wrap-xml.perl should be helpful.

On Jan 2, 2013, at 7:44 AM, Cuong Hoang wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I try to write a text-to-SGML format converter,
> My First lines:
> <srcset setid="newsdev2009" srclang="any">
> t<doc docid="aktualne.cz-2010-12-02-60918" genre="news" origlang="en">
> I don't know what is the docid here means and set the name is: 
> aktualne.cz-2010-12-02-60918
> However, when I run mteval-v11b.pl, I'm stuck with the error:
> FATAL INPUT ERROR:  no segments in document 'aktualne.cz-2010-12-02-60918' in 
> file ...
> So how to overcome this problem?
> Thanks and best regards,
> On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Cuong Hoang <hoangcuong2...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a task in which I need to compare to WER and PER, NIST.
> I have three questions here, hope someone would help me.
> 1. Do you know where I can download WER and PER code?
> 2. NIST implementation from NIST mteval script requires that text is wrapped 
> into a SGML format. However, I still got a problem to convert my text files 
> to SGML format.
> For example, I have three files: testCorpus.en or testCorpus.fr and an OUTPUT 
> file. But I follow the example from WMT tutorial is quite complicating:
>       • scripts/wrap-xml.perl dev/newstest2010-ref.en.sgm en < 
> newstest2010.output.detokenized > 
> working-dir/evaluation/newstest2010.output.sgm
> In this case, what is newstest2010-ref.en.sgm, and what is 
> newstest2010.output.sgm in my case? (Sorry if this very is a naive question)
> Thanks
> C. Hoang
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> C. Hoang
> {Mimosa, SMT}@Addict
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> C. Hoang
> {Mimosa, SMT}@Addict
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