Hi Vito,

English-Japanese and Japanese-English translation are very difficult due to
the grammatical differences between the languages.

You have a couple options to overcome this problem:
1) If you want to use phrase-based Moses, you will have to perform some
variety of pre-ordering, in which you rearrange the words in the source
sentence before training/testing.
2) You can use a syntax-based system, either using the functionality in
Moses (http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Moses.SyntaxTutorial), or using
another decoder specifically designed for syntax-based MT such as my
Travatar decoder (http://www.phontron.com/travatar/). I have released the
setup for training our strongest Japanese-English and English-Japanese
systems here: https://github.com/neubig/wat2014

Regarding the different types of characters, I would leave them as-is. It
is possible to perform normalization, which will help in a limited number
of cases, but if you're just starting out this is really the least of your


On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 7:51 PM, Vito Mandorino <
vito.mandor...@linguacustodia.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> does anyone have ever done experiments for English-Japanese and
> Japanese-English translation? Do you know about useful ressources for this
> language pair, or some specific gotchas one should be aware of?
> More specifically, what is the best policy for dealing with alphabets? Do
> you think it is a good idea to keep different alphabets (Kanji, Hiragana,
> Katakana, ...) in the corpus, or should one try to convert Kanji into one
> of the other alphabets?
> Best regards,
> Vito Mandorino
> --
> *M**. Vito MANDORINO -- Chief Scientist*
> [image: Description : Description : lingua_custodia_final full logo]
>  *The Translation Trustee*
> *1, Place Charles de Gaulle, **78180 Montigny-le-Bretonneux*
> *Tel : +33 1 30 44 04 23   Mobile : +33 6 84 65 68 89
> <%2B33%206%2084%2065%2068%2089>*
> *Email :*  *vito.mandor...@linguacustodia.com
> <massinissa.ah...@linguacustodia.com>*
> *Website :*
> *www.linguacustodia.finance <http://www.linguacustodia.com/>*
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