Sorry for the late post, I have had software issues that prevented me from
generating this photo for comment.

Sunday, I saw this bird in Rosemount - in a developed neighborhood with
mature trees (off McAndrews Rd).

I got a pic or two while it perched and saw it fly away. This is the best
one (cropped).

Definite Buteo shape in flight. The trailing edge of the the underwing was
dark, the underside was mostly pale and faintly streaked -sorry, no better
description than that.

But the color is confusing - Are gray Broad-wings expected? Could it be a
Red-shouldered?  Gray Hawk seems way out of the question.  I have limited
experience with Broadwings.

Can't attach image to email - see 3 pics here:


Jim Ryan
Saint Paul's Westside
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and
beauty of the biotic community" - Aldo Leopold

“There has been a tremendous renaissance in nature study in recent years; it
has been called a form of escapism, and perhaps it is in a way, but not an
escape from reality; but rather, a return to reality; a flight from unreal
things.” - Roger Tory Peterson

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