Here is the MOU Sherburne & Mille Lacs Field Trip list from Saturday (127 species, 106 in the refuge; please see Sunday's post for highlights):

* Canada Goose
* Trumpeter Swan
* Wood Duck
* Mallard
* Ring-necked Duck
* Common Goldeneye
* Common Merganser
* Red-breasted Merganser
* Ring-necked Pheasant
* Ruffed Grouse
* Wild Turkey
* Common Loon
* American White Pelican (two large flocks in refuge, also sizeable flock on Mille Lacs Lake)
* Double-crested Cormorant
* Great Blue Heron
* Turkey Vulture
* Bald Eagle
* Northern Harrier
* Sharp-shinned Hawk
* Cooper's Hawk
* Red-shouldered Hawk
* Broad-winged Hawk
* Red-tailed Hawk
* Sora
* Sandhill Crane
* Killdeer
* Solitary Sandpiper
* Greater Yellowlegs
* Lesser Yellowlegs
* Semipalmated Sandpiper
* Least Sandpiper
* Baird's Sandpiper
* Pectoral Sandpiper
* Dunlin
* Short-billed Dowitcher
* Long-billed Dowitcher
* Wilson's Phalarope
* Ring-billed Gull
* Herring Gull
* (Medium to large all white gull flying away from Mille Lacs Lake - if this had been winter/early spring, would have called it an Iceland)
* Caspian Tern
* Black Tern
* Common Tern
* Forster's Tern
* Rock Pigeon
* Mourning Dove
* Yellow-billed Cuckoo (not had on trip before, unusual to have before Black-billed sighting/hearing)
* Chimney Swift
* Red-bellied Woodpecker
* Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
* Downy Woodpecker
* Hairy Woodpecker
* Northern Flicker
* Pileated Woodpecker
* Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (few observers, seen well but did not vocalize, ?)
* Least Flycatcher
* Eastern Phoebe
* Eastern Kingbird
* Yellow-throated Vireo
* Warbling Vireo
* Red-eyed Vireo
* Blue Jay
* American Crow
* Purple Martin
* Tree Swallow
* Cliff Swallow
* Barn Swallow
* Black-capped Chickadee
* Red-breasted Nuthatch
* White-breated Nuthatch
* House Wren
* Sedge Wren
* Marsh Wren
* Golden-crowned Kinglet (they summer in the Blue Hill conifers)
* Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
* Eastern Bluebird
* Swainson's Thrush
* Wood Thrush
* American Robin
* Gray Catbird
* Brown Thrasher
* European Starling
* American Pipit
* Blue-winged Warbler
* Golden-winged Warbler
* (Brewster's Warbler)
* Tennessee Warbler
* Orange-crowned Warbler
* Northern Parula
* Yellow Warbler
* Chestnut-sided Warbler
* Yellow-rumped Warbler (couple in Sherburne, predominant warbler in Kathio, migration still on-going & bit late)
* Blackburnian Warbler
* Cerulean Warbler (variant song but entire group had great looks, hung around for 10 minutes or so at mid-canopy; present second year in a row)
* Black-and-white Warbler
* American Redstart
* Ovenbird
* Northern Waterthrush
* Common Yellowthroat
* Wilson's Warbler
* Canada Warbler
* Eastern Towhee
* Chipping Sparrow
* Clay-colored Sparrow
* Field Sparrow
* Vesper Sparrow
* Lark Sparrow
* Grasshopper Sparrow
* Song Sparrow
* Swamp Sparrow
* White-throated Sparrow
* Harris's Sparrow (not had on trip before)
* White-crowned Sparrow
* Scarlet Tanager
* Rose-breasted Grosbeak
* Indigo Bunting
* Bobolink (Nate & I only while traveling to trail)
* Red-winged Blackbird
* Eastern Meadowlark
* Brewer's Blackbird
* Common Grackle
* Brown-headed Cowbird (everywhere)
* Baltimore Oriole (could not find Orchard)
* American Goldfinch
* House Sparrow

(Nate also had a Loggerhead Shrike the night before on a power line on 289th street, 5+ miles south & east of the refuge).

Good birding to all who make it this far!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties
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