I spent some time in Koochiching County near Big Falls this morning and had
a few fun sightings despite the rain.  I apologize for the vague
locations...I was enjoying myself and not paying that much attention:

- Spruce Grouse on Pine Island Forest Road
- Boreal Chickadee in the spruce bog near mile marker 141 on Hwy 6
- American Pipits...several small flocks on CR 30 and a small flock with
some Lapland Longspurs at a logging landing on Pine Island Forest Road
- Black-billed Magpies...3 of them on CR 30, E of Toumey-Williams
- Harris's Sparrows (and a Brown Creeper) at the Big Falls municipal
campground--this species plus White-crowned and numerous White-throated
Sparrows have been present at my feeders for several days
- Blue-headed Vireo *singing* along Pine Island Forest Road....Palm and
Yellow-rumped Warblers and Golden-crowned Kinglets in the same jack pine

Shawn Conrad

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