A huge daylight migration of neotropical migrants occurred in Duluth today, 
counted from the Lester River condo in the Lakeside neighborhood below Hawk 
Ridge. As the main counter at Hawk Ridge, I have been attempting to count all 
of the migrant birds moving through the Hawk Ridge area each fall, not just the 
raptors (details of this project published in the most recent issue of The 
Loon). Although I typically count non-raptors at the Lester River condo in the 
morning for several hours before moving up to Hawk Ridge, this morning was 
unusual because the migration continued until nearly noon, with the peak of 
songbird movement 3-4 hours after sunrise. Included in this migration were new 
state record high daily counts for three species, including 302 Eastern 
Kingbirds, 63 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and 471 Bobolinks. Also included was a 
morning flight of 1495 Common Nighthawks. Additional migrants were tallied 
simultaneously at Hawk Ridge a mile away (thanks
 to Andrew Longtin and Dave Carman), bringing the totals for both sites to 3272 
Common Nighthawks, 304 Eastern Kingbirds, 74 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and 471 
Bobolinks. Previous high counts for these species are 236 Eastern Kingbirds 
counted at the nearby Lakewood pumping station on 18 August 1987 (Eckert in The 
Loon 62:99-105), 51 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks at the same Hawk Ridge/Lester River 
condo locations on 24 August 2010, and 250 Bobolinks on 12 September 2002 in 
Lac Qui Parle County (Janssen in The Loon 75:102). For full details on all 
species counted at Hawk Ridge and the Lester River condo each day, feel free to 
visit daily updates at www.hawkcount.org  (raptors are counted solely at Hawk 
Ridge, but non-raptors are counted both at Hawk Ridge and the Lester River 
condo, yielding a composite total of migrants).
Karl Bardon
Duluth, MN

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