It was another fall-out on Park Point, Duluth today (30 May), with 514 
individuals of 25 species of warblers seen as follows:

Ovenbird: 1
Northern Waterthrush: 2
Black-and-white Warbler: 7
Tennessee Warbler: 23
Orange-crowned Warbler: 1
Nashville Warbler: 9
Connecticut Warbler: 1
Mourning Warbler: 8
Common Yellowthroat: 11
American Redstart: 244
Cape May Warbler: 3
Northern Parula: 10
Magnolia Warbler: 41
Bay-breasted Warbler: 3 
Blackburnian Warbler: 6
Yellow Warbler: 28
Chestnut-sided Warbler: 39
Blackpoll Warbler: 18
Black-throated Blue Warbler: 2
Palm Warbler: 8
Pine Warbler: 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler: 13
Black-throated Green Warbler: 2
Canada Warbler: 7
Wilson's Warbler: 35

In contrast to the extended 4-day fall-out last week 19-22 May (when 22-25 
species of warbler were seen each day),
the birds had no trouble finding food in the trees and shrubs today, and so 
none were seen on the beach.
Just as an aside, because the previous fall-out of 19-22 May was so 
exceptional, with all 26 species of regular Duluth warblers
seen at close range within a few feet on the ground, I spent three and a half 
days photographing warblers on the beach,
and put together a gallery of photos that can be seen at This really was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Karl Bardon
Duluth, MN

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