I will look back fondly at birding during 2013 in Carver County.    Most 
memorable will likely be the outstanding warbler year, both spring and fall.   
The biggest surprise of 2013 was that for the second year in a row shorebird 
habitat for the fall was nearly ideal, beginning with flooded farm fields in 
July transitioning to dryer conditions in August.  Shorebird conditions in 2012 
were better though, particularly during spring.  Unlike 2012, waterfowl was not 
particularly memorable in 2013.   The long lingering winter during spring 2013 
likely removed any chance of the high numbers of goose species(other than 
Canada) in Carver County compared to spring 2012.   That lingering winter 
likely led to the great passerine numbers in May, as the warm spring 2012 was 
downright mediocre when it came to warbler(only saw 3 Chestnut-sided Warbler 
that spring).   Photo opportunity of the year was a tie between a protesting 
Northern Waterthrush and an extremely curious Veery.   No recordings were used 
for the photos, and no recordings are used during my birding.


Fall shorebird totals including numbers from Carver and far eastern Sibley 
County (2012 fall totals, 6 additional shorebird species seen in fall 2012 that 
were not seen in 2013)
Least Sandpiper 975 (2438)
Lesser Yellowlegs 597 (863)
Pectoral Sandpiper 550 (1256)
Greater Yellowlegs 129 (82)
Semipalmated Sandpiper 113 (87)
Solitary Sandpiper 91 (202)
Stilt Sandpiper 47 (40)
Baird's Sandpiper 33 (48)
Short-billed Dowitcher 28 (232)
Spotted Sandpiper 27 (25)
Willet 5 (3)
Wilson's Phalarope 4 (28)
Sanderling 1 (2)
Buff-breasted Sandpiper 1 (0)
Long-billed Dowitcher 1 (4)
Red-necked Phalarope 1 (0)

Other notable birds from only Carver County 
Olive-sided Flycatcher new high total fall count of 10, new late spring date on 
May 24, new late fall date on September 19
Eastern Wood-Pewee new late fall date on October 1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher new late spring date on May 26, new late fall date on 
September 19
Alder Flycatcher new high total spring count of 103(exceptionally high compared 
to past springs), new late spring date on June 6

Blue-headed Vireo new high total spring count of 29, new high total fall count 
of 40, new late spring date on June 2
Philadelphia Vireo new high total spring count of 16, new high total fall count 
of 21, new late spring date on June 1

Golden-crowned Kinglet new high total spring count of 123
Ruby-crowned Kinglet new high total fall count of 271, new late fall date on 
November 2

Veery new high total spring count of 18
Gray-cheeked Thrush new high total spring count of 13
Hermit Thrush new high total spring count of 59, new late spring date on May 15

Warbler total counts (spring // fall)
Blue-winged Warbler 62(new high spring total) // 6, new late fall date on 
September 12
Golden-winged Warbler 18(new high spring total) // 9(new high fall total), new 
late spring date on June 2, new late fall date on September 15
Brewster's Warbler 1 // 0
Tennesee Warbler 351(new high spring total) // 99
Orange-crowned Warbler 34(new high spring total) // 129(new high fall total), 
new late spring date on May 23
Nashville Warbler 88 // 193(new high fall total), new late spring date on May 23
Northern Parula 12(new high spring total)  // 6, new late spring date on May 28
Yellow Warbler 408 // 86(fall total much higher than is typical likely due to a 
late start to nesting)
Chestnut-sided Warbler 61(new high spring total) // 65, new late spring date on 
May 30
Magnolia Warbler 47 // 39, new late spring date on May 28
Cape May Warbler 5 // 3(new high fall total)
Black-throated Green Warbler 18(new high spring total) // 9, new late spring 
date on May 26
Yellow-rumped Warbler 820(new high spring total) // 389, new late spring date 
on May 25
Blackburnian Warbler 54(new high spring total) // 14, new late spring date on 
June 6
Pine Warbler 2 // 2
Palm Warbler 160(new high spring total) // 23
Bay-breasted Warbler 16(new high spring total) // 7, new late spring date on 
May 27
Blackpoll Warbler 139(new high spring total) // 3, new late spring date on May 
Cerulean Warbler 4(new high spring total) // 0
Black-and-White Warbler 78(new high spring total) // 58, new late spring date 
on May 29
American Redstart 254 // 266
Prothonotary Warbler 3 // 10(new high fall total)
Ovenbird 53(new high spring total) // 23
Northern Waterthrush 40(new high spring total) // 61(new high fall total), new 
late spring date on June 1
Connecticut Warbler 4(new high spring total) // 3(new high fall total), new 
late spring date on May 26
Mourning Warbler 13(new high spring total) // 20(new high fall total), new late 
spring date on May 28, new late fall date on October 4
Common Yellowthroat 81 // 198, new late fall date on October 17
Wilson's Warbler 78(new high spring total) // 28, new late spring date on June 2
Canada Warbler 42(new high spring total) // 36, new late spring date on June 1, 
new late fall date on September 21
Hooded Warbler 1 // 0
Yellow-throated Warbler 1 // 0

Eastern Towhee new high total fall count of 6, new late fall date on October 31
Chipping Sparrow new late fall date on October 27
Field Sparrow new late fall date on October 18
Fox Sparrow new late spring date on May 10
Lincoln's Sparrow new high total spring count of 61
White-throated Sparrow new high total spring count of 385, new high total fall 
count of 730, new late spring date on May 28
Harris's Sparrow new high total spring count of 15, new late spring date on May 
White-crowned Sparrow new high total spring count of 32

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