My friend Russ and I went to the Sax-Zim Bog yesterday.  We were hoping for a 
Great Gray Owl and also to see Pine Grosbeaks that I haven’t been able to find 
for two years.  Also I wanted to see the Boreal Chickadee and perhaps a 
Northern Hawk Owl though I didn’t know if any had been spotted up there. Well 
when we first arrived at the bog  just after sunrise we stopped at the Kelsey 
Whitefish feeders and only saw a few downy’s and two common redpolls.  I had 
hoped to see at least a pine grosbeak but nothing there.  We drove around a bit 
hoping to see some pine siskins at least but nothing. Finally we went to the 
Admiral feeders hoping to see the boreal chickadee and stayed there almost an 
hour with no luck. As we were leaving we met a man, and I forgot his name but 
he said that there was a great gray almost parallel to where we were but on 
McDavit road. So we drove over there and searched with no luck so we headed 
back to the Admiral feeders and saw John Cay and a friend of his attempting to 
see the Boreal Chickadee. We stayed with them for some time but again no 
Boreal. As we all were leaving I asked them if they had seen the Great Gray and 
they said that they had seen two in the same area on McDavit as the first man 
so I asked them if they would show us and they said that they would so we 
followed them to the spot and we got our Great Grey for the day. Russ had never 
seen one. We then proceeded to Mary Lou’s feeders where we saw about twenty or 
so evening Grosbeaks  then we headed to the welcome center where Frank and his 
wife told us that they had seen some Pine Grosbeaks at the feeder and that if 
we could wait around a bit they might come back. We waited maybe half an hour 
and they appeared at the feeder outside the window. At least four males and 
three females.  I was very happy to see these beautiful birds.  We went to a 
few other spots after that but that was pretty much it for the day. We never 
saw a northern hawk owl though we went to several areas where i’ve seen them 
before and we never saw the boreal Chickadee.  Maybe next trip. Thank you to 
Frank and his wife for all their help and to John Cay.  
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids
Below is a link to some photos

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