I've been doing some more tests and any use of D1 after the functor is sent
to the server results in an endless wait. Instead of using {Wait D1}, I
used another variable D2 that uses D1 and the block still remains (since D2
waits for D1 to be bound before continuing). What could be the problem?


2011/12/13 Khadija EL MAHRSI <khadija.elmah...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I've been trying to do the Agent Server example from the Mobile agents
> part in the following link (
> http://graubart.rz.ifi.lmu.de/programming/mozart/print/tutorial/DistributedProgramming.pdf)
> but for some reason couldn't succeed.
> I used the Agent Server code provided in 4.1.6 and the last code for
> agents provided in 4.1.2. I think there is a missing line in this agent
> code which is {AS.publishserver "/usr/staff/pvr/public_html/as2"} before
> Server2={GetServer "http://www.info.ucl.ac.be/~pvr/as2"} (Nothing worked
> before I added this line). I also changed both of ".../as2" into "as2" and
> ".../agents.ozf" into "agents.ozf" for simplicity.
> In my agent code, I added {Wait D1} to be able to see D1's value. However,
> The program seems to block when trying to show this value. Can anyone tell
> me why?
> Thanks
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