Duane wrote:
> > I definitely feel better about installing software signed by
> > whose identity I know. The authentication of the software
> > signing of the software, and revocation status checking of the
> > publisher's certificate can mitigate significant risk.
> If you know the person or company issuing the signed code this causes

> the CA and PKI systems to be irrelevant, all you need to do is check
> fingerprints of the company signing it. PKI/CAs are supposed to allow

> you to trust formerly unknown parties trust each other.

One role of a CA is to authenticated unknown parties (software
publishers in this discussion) as their proper legal entity. If I know
the publisher that may assure me to install and trust the software (or
not!). If I don't yet know the publisher I can still know that they are
being honest about what the software does (given a CA policy that
requires proper disclosure) and I feel assured that I have recourse
against the publisher if they harm me.

My post and comments may represent my personal thoughts at the moment
but they should not be taken to represent anyone else.

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