C. D. Rok wrote:
> Ram0502 wrote:
> >>There are two paradigms:
> >>a) An identity exists as a meta-category, and someone or something
> ...
> > I don't think that the two you list are the only two options. To me
> > they read as the two sides of the binary assertions "we can depend
> > perfection from this part of the system."  ...
>  > When you soften (a) to require a high
> > probability of accuracy rather than perfection you end up with a
> > component you can build on.
> "High probability" is good enough for manual transactions - such as
> credit cards in a store... But when a small level of uncertainty
opens a
> possibility for *huge* exploits, the confidence level better as high
> possible.

That's exactly it, the greater the potential exposure the greater the
need for security. If I'm reading some random blog musing my needs are
different than when I am managing my bank account, for the former I
don't necessarily have any real worries whereas for the latter I do. If
I am enabled to choose between building trust with what may be my
bank's website from scratch or start already knowing the identity of
the authorized site operator I wouldn't need pause to consider which I
prefer. Would anyone? So given a CA who associates their livelyhood
with their effectiveness as an identity authenticator I would
definitely feel better about trusting them. Knowing that the CA has
operating insurance or significant assets helps too (that's kind of
like how banks decide who they trust when lending money). So directly
to your point - the higher the confidence level the better when dealing
with significant exposures and therefor the more rigourous the CA's
policies in authentication the better off the relying party is.

> Presenting the site's key fingerprint to the user as a matter of
> seems more and more like something that can not be avoided.

That's a basic assumption in PKI - you need to authenticate sites in a
way that's reproduceable. The thing that happened was that folks
decided they would try to bring more robustness by adding the
identification of legal identity to system. I don't believe that
putting a string of numbers in front of a user is part of a well
thought out approach.

As a practical aside consider that a "website" may choose to update
their keys for hygenic reasons and may operate in multiple locations.
Each instance would have it's own unique keys and certificates and
those would change after certifiate or key lifecycle operations (like
key update or certificate renewal). This means that if I am a customer
of 50 sites in a typical year and they do annual key updates - I'm
tracking a lot of data which perhaps you could optimize the software. I
suggest that outsourcing that tracking and making your imposition on
the user one that is automatic and natural for the user - like
recognizing names of companies - may be a better approach as the user
much of the complexity is removed from the user and placed on folks who
compete in the market. Trust and security are native concepts to people
while cryptography is not so if I were developing software that used
cryptography to help improve user security I would use natural
constructs to present security decisions and hide to the greatest
extent possible the underlying science.

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