On Sunday 2002-07-07 19:58 +0200, Fabian Guisset wrote:
> If the current site is so good (you're the first person I can remember 
> who thinks the current site is good) then why did we even start _one and 
> a half years ago_ the mozilla-reorg project? Why did noone object to the 
> 2001 LTT and STT ideas?

I made the mistake of hoping they would go away because other people
(like Dawn Endico) would raise the objections that I would raise.

> An observation that demonstrates that current site doesn't work for 
> everyone: there are so many sites about Mozilla (for example 
> mozilla-evengelism.bclary.com or mozdev.org, which hosts _documentation_ 
> projects) that are not on mozilla.org

Have you asked *why* he doesn't use mozilla.org?

(At one point he proposed rewriting
http://mozilla.org/docs/web-developer/ by splitting it into subpages
like "Articles", "Technotes", "Demos", etc., which I didn't find useful
for people who are looking for information.  Furthermore, most of the
categories had only one or two links, while most of the links were in a
small number of categories.  This also makes it hard for users to find
things because they will get discouraged after going through the
near-empty categories on separate pages.  (Such an organization isn't a
problem within leaf pages, but it is a problem when the categories are
links.)  I told him that such an organization wasn't useful because I
didn't think it would help people find what they were looking for, but
that he was welcome to contribute documentation into the current
organization and that if his contributions made the current page too
crowded, then I would consider an appropriate reorganization.  He seemed
annoyed at not getting the privilege of reorganizing the page without
having made any prior contributions to it, and never contributed any

I only see one documentation project on the mozdev projects list,
plugindoc.  Have you asked the authors why their material isn't on

> Personally I also think that not only mozilla developers (who know cvs 
> for the most part) write material that should be on the website.

I still maintain that they're the most important ones, and that other
people should be willing to tolerate a slight barrier to entry.

> Documents written will of course never be lost (unless they are 
> desperately out of date).

Will links be broken?  That's just as bad.

> As to the fact that the new catalog damaged the old index pages of the
> site, I don't think I have ever been able to do anything about that.

What does that mean?  (FWIW, I still think most Mozilla developers don't
even know about <URL: http://mozilla.org/catalog/ >.)


L. David Baron        <URL: http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~dbaron/ >

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