Clover wrote:
Brendan Eich wrote:

(Don't let me start out all negative and whiny:) I'm concerned that we could spend too much time trying to find the "ideal" information architecture, but let's not.

I'd suggest making decision based on how many contributors we have. We probably shouldn't consider too much about web developer documentation.

On the contrary, web developer documentation is probably the most important. We're trying to compete with MSDN, and the MSDN DOM references are the model.

let's leave out CSS, HTML, MathML, XML, Python, and XSLT for now. Don't get too ambitious.

CSS, HTML, XML, XSLT are part of the core requirements for this project. MathML needs someone to write docs, but let's not shoot them in the foot yet...

More thoughts later... I'm not sure wiki suits our needs well at all, scalability-wise.

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