Yay! Something I know about.

I've read a lot of the discussion on DevMo here, and
there are many great thoughts on technology and structure.

Following best practice is a great idea; if MSDN's
structure is that best practice, then let's follow it. Yay.

If you look at any publication, the paper and index, or the
equivalent bits, are the least of the problem. It's defining
the audience, their needs, and their wants that is the majority
of the problem. When we look at MSDN, we don't get to see that
picture; we just see 90 minutes of movie in the can.

This conversation should be a lengthy "them" conversation, not
a "we" conversation. You live or die by reaching "them".

Suppose it turns out that 80% of readers are into Orange. Well,
then 80% of the portal's front page should be about Orange and
Mozilla. It's as simple as that. You don't want to spend 6 months
of time and energy only to discover that.

So I say: Yay! there's lots of nice technology to use.
Let's use it *after* we've got audience focus.

I would like to see bugs describing a situation that a potential
reader finds him/herself in. I would see bugs describing
reader groups and their issues. I would like to see a person for
each audience, A person who says: "I care about these specific
readers and their issues, and I'll use whatever technology it
takes to find and get content to them on a regular basis".
That's a sub-editor/assistant editor role.

Publishing is a really fragile business, highly prone to failure.
In the US, 5000 publishers go out of business every year. The
technology needed to print or upload content is trivial compared
with the problem of successfully understanding readers.

What collaborative tools should we use to capture who the
readers are and what they want?

A meta bug for "reader profiles" would be a good start.

A way of accepting URLs from people that helps us keep
up-to-date with our audiences and their issues would be great too.

- Nigel.
mozilla-documentation mailing list

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