Are you trying to pass data along with the page load event that's already fired there, or are you thinking of adding code to fire an additional event from nsDocumentViewer::LoadComplete()? If you're adding new code to fire a new event I'd suggest you write a DOM event implementation and make that object carry your data (see nsXMLHttpProgressEvent for an example of how to write a new DOM event implementation). But no matter what sort of event you fire there I don't see how that'll ever make it into an OnStateChage() implementation since that's not driven by event code, that's called from internal code that sees internal state changes etc...

(please cc me directly on any replies as I don't read this group that often).

Callum Prentice wrote:
I am trying to pass some data (pointer, int, int) from
DocumentViewerImpl::LoadComplete() in nsDocumentViewer.cpp to my
applications nsIWebProgressListener::OnStateChange() implementation.

I see from the comments that an OnLoad/OnError event gets fired and I
was hoping to use the same nsEvent based idiom to pass my data around
but have had no success - is this the right approach or should I be
looking for a different way?


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