Russell Hoover wrote:
> Can I easily do a custom install of the new 0.9 Mozilla that lets me
> jettison everything but the web browser itself and perhaps a few necessary
> accessories (SSL, 128-bit encryption, ability to view page source, etc)?

Yes, but just so you know, it's mainly cosmetic. Same thing with Netscape 4.08.
When you use 4.08 "browser" you're REALLY using Communicator, but with basically
the UIs for the other programs removed. That's why it's only a couple megs

In Mozilla, parts of what make up Composer are needed by the browser (and the
other apps too). All that makes up Messenger is basically some custom XUL, and
code for mail protocols. The rendering engine does everything you see in mail,
just as with the browser, etc.

I guess I'm just letting you know (and others) that the addition of mail/news
and the rest do little to nothing to affect the function of the browser. Also,
they take up very little extra resources if they're not used. I say all this for
two reasons; one to stop the line of thought that these are evil crash-producing
additions that are somehow a detriment to the browser portion, and cause bloat.
Two, I do it to piss off the same people who claim the things stated in reason

I say just DL Mozilla, and ignore the mail/news/etc components, but yeah, you
can "just install" the browser portion. Grab the Installer, and select the parts
you want.

jesus X  [ Booze-fueled paragon of pointless cruelty and wanton sadism. ]
 email   [ jesusx @ ]
 web     [ ] [ Updated April 29, 2001 ]
 tag     [ The Universe: It's everywhere you want to be. ]
 warning [ All your base are belong to us. ]

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