time!  The mail and LDAP is now really usable.  However, under WinNT it
migrates my Netscape Navigator profile over to Mozilla, but puts it under my
WinNT profile on my hard drive (i.e. C:\WINNT\PROFILES\username\APPLICATION
DATA\MOZILLA).  It cannot be put there, because we use NT roaming profiles
and it increases the size of my profile beyond what the limits imposed upon
us are.  And when doing the import/conversion of the Netscape profile, it
never asks you where you would like to store it.

We have a network folder where these things need to go... Sooooo, what does
one do to MOVE the Mozilla profile folder over to another drive and still
retain all your settings?  Or is there a way I can reinstall it (or re-run
the Netscape converter) and have Mozilla ask me where I want to put the
folder? Thanks in advance.


ooO_(_)_Ooo____  ____

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