JTK wrote:

> flacco wrote:
> >
> > > Well, after validating the page (or attempting to) using HTML 4.01
> > > strict, transitional, XHTML 1.0 strict, etc, even HTML 3.2.  I get:
> > > Sorry, this document does not validate as <HTML version>.
> > > Maybe that's a start to the problem
> >
> > ...in other words, use the automatic validation service here to make
> > sure your page is correctly coded:
> >
> >     http://validator.w3.org
> >
> > Once you are able to pass this validation test, if the page still does
> > not render correctly post another message.
> Better (and easier) yet, open it in IE6.  If it renders more acceptably
> there, post a bug to Bugzilla.  It will be ignored of course, since the
> overall theory of operation of Mozilla is to completely crap out if an
> "I" isn't crossed or a "T" isn't dotted in the HTML*, but what do you
> expect from AOL?  I mean hell, it's not like they own Time Warner or
> something!
> *This of course excludes Mozilla's own web pages, which are
> embarrasingly not standards compliant.

Could you please tell me which mozilla pages are not wtandard compliant ?
Apart from a missing DTD on the frontpage, all Mozilla pages I have tested
with the W3C validator give a "congratulations no error found" message !!


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