Because the point of the creator codes is to have them equal for _one_
application. Netscape 6 is, by the name (!), a new version of Netscape. So
Commun. 4.x and Netsc. 6 have the same creator code. Netscape _should_ leave
the same code.

Jonas can change it on his own if it bugs him that much. Not much hassle to
do so. Q&D edit.

"Jonas Jĝrgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> DeMoN LaG wrote:
> >> actually no. on the Mac Platform Netscape 6 and Communicator 4.7.9
> >> share the exact same Type and creator Codes APPL / MOSS.
> >
> > Shoulda kept your mouth shut, Jonas.  Now we gotta here the whole speel
> > about type and creator codes again.
> Sorry.
> I don't know much about type/creator codes, but why can't Netscape just
> change one stupid letter so Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. can stop wasting
> our time?
> --
> /Jonas

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