"jon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> dude chill. It would be the site that was annoying you, not the browser.
>   Feel free not to visit sites that annoy you...I don't care.
> It's used for many other things, emulating a user click is a very handy
> shortcut for a lot of situations, like innerHTML.

innerHTML to my knowledge is yet another proprietary Microsoft thing.

> It's just really handy for styling the file input widget, which only IE is
able to style at
> all.

If it doesn't work in Mozilla, then it's probably not in any standard. So IE
shouldn't be able to do it either.

> Mozilla gives the developer no control over it at all.

It shouldn't.

> The reason most sites look horrible in Netscape 4.x these days is
> because developers were not given the power the IE gave them, so they
> stopped developing for it. Probably because someone was afraid a feature
> would annoy some nit-picker *cough*.

If you call strict standards _non_-compliance power...

Actually, Netscape 4 is from mid-97, so you can hardly compare it with a
recent IE.

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