Edwin Humphries wrote:
> Ok, now that I can work in Mozilla (I can at least see the display), I
> still can't work in Mozilla:
> 3.    Javascripts don't work (I'm referring to something that works fine
> in IE5.5 and NN4.77

You're probably using NS- and IE-proprietary DOMs then. Use the W3C 
standards DOM.

 > 1.   HTML forms show no borders, so you can't see where you're
 > entering text until the text begins to show, and then you can't
 > navigate to the correct spot.
 > 2.   Forms also show no other field formatting: drop down lists show
 > simply as a line of text; check boxes and radio boxes don't show at
 > all.
> 4.    I can't type anything into the URL box - now that's annoying.

These sound like a messy install. Uninstall it, remove profiles, etc., 
and try again.

Sören Kuklau ('Chucker')

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