Try /usr/local/mozilla

Patrick Gallagher wrote:

> Kryptolus wrote:
>> Peter Stein wrote:
>>> Just installed 0.9.8 via RPM. Unfortunately it has a serious
>>> bug that IMHO renders it unusable: None of the pop up windows
>>> that require text will actually allow text entry. No cursor
>>> appears in the text field and if the pop up has an action
>>> button then that button is greyed out. FWIW, this bug was also
>>> present in Netscape 6.x, but it was not in Netscape 4.x ( 73 <= x <=
>>> 79 ). There's nothing exotic about my system and
>>> I run plenty of X apps without any problems. I'm astounded that a
>>> milestone release contains such a fundamental bug.
>> I think it's the RPM. Is this an rpm from or third party?
>> Go to and download a "regular" mozilla installer for 0.9.8
>> or better yet compile it =)
> I tried compiling the source, and I got a fully functional browser out
> of the deal (actually best running browser I've ever tried) - but it
> didn't actually install anywhere I could find...  so after I closed the
> instance that opened automatically, I couldn't find the darned thing
> again... I'm a serious newbie to Linux (small miracle that I even
> managed to get the source to compile, I think...)  - so where did the
> install go?
> I'm running Mandrake 8.1 w/ Ximian Desktop installed.
> Patrick

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