Peter Lairo wrote:
> Morten Nilsen wrote:
>>> What are the technical differences between GIF and PNG?
>> Two "others":
>> PNG: alpha channel
>> GIF: bad licensing

> Please pardon my ignorance: What is "alpha channel" and how would it be 
> useful or used?

Alpha defines whether a pixel in an image bitmap is transparent / 
translucent or not, and if so, how much. PNG has 8 bit Alpha, e.g. 256 
different transparency amounts. GIF has 1 bit Alpha, e.g. only "yes, 
transparent" or "no, opaque".

Gamma defines some kind of brightness, but is not equal to brightness. 
There are common gamma values like 1.2 and 1.8.

Note: I'm no pro here.

Sören Kuklau ('Chucker')

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