dman84 a dit :
> Pascal Chevrel wrote:
>> Jason A. Lefkowitz a dit :
>>> Hello all!
>>> I've been using and enjoying Mozilla since the first public builds, and
>>> it's been amazing seeing how far it has come over time.  I have,
>>> however, encountered one nagging issue ever since release 0.9.7 or so
>>> that I've been unable to resolve.  So, I decided to come to the 
>>> experts :-)
>>> The issue is this.  On sites that I visit frequently, I find that 
>>> after awhile Moz seems to stop loading both images and linked 
>>> stylesheets when it loads the page.  This seems to happen after I've 
>>> had the PC up and running for awhile, but it doesn't seem related to 
>>> the amount of time I've had the browser open itself -- completely 
>>> shutting down the browser and re-starting it doesn't alleviate the 
>>> problem.  (Rebooting the PC sure seems to, though.)  I can only see 
>>> the items linked from the page by doing a hard reload (Shift-Ctrl-R) 
>>> -- a simple reload doesn't seem to cut it.
>>> The fact that the problem seems related to system uptime leads me to 
>>> suspect some kind of memory leak somewhere, but I'm no expert on 
>>> those sorts of things.  Has anyone else encountered this kind of 
>>> problem before?  I'm running Netscape 6.2.1 on the same machine (to 
>>> get the AOL Mail access that's built into the mail client) and it 
>>> doesn't have the problem.  Maybe there's a conflict inherent in 
>>> having NS and Moz on the same box?
>>> For reference, here's my system configuration: AMD Duron 950, IWILL 
>>> XP333 motherboard, 256MB DDR200 RAM, Asus GeForce2 GTS video card, 
>>> IBM Deskstar 30GB HD, Windows 2000 Professional.
>>> Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
>>> -- Jason Lefkowitz
>> Hello,
>> If, when the symtoms your described have started, the browser UI also 
>> starts disappearing when you resize the browser windows or switch 
>> between running application, then it could be related to one of these 
>> bugs :
>> Bug 122044 - Mozilla becomes invisible
>> Bug 118221 - mozilla interface spontaneously disappears after some time
>> Bug 123846 - Browser surface disappears
>> Pascal
> which should be fixed by now if you are using seperate profiles for 
> netscape and mozilla.. if not I've seen this too.  It should be profile 
> specific.. but I sometimes have to run Moz on my Ns6.2.1 profile, then 
> exit and start my ns6.2.1 profile with ns6.2.1 to get it working again.
> which all boils down to using mozilla on a ns6.2.1 profile.. if you use 
> them seperately this shall not be a problem, but can be I think after 
> the first time you run Moz on your netscape profile.. hopefully the fix 
> for this when ns6.2.1 for upgrade users for ns6.5 will not be to just 
> create a new profile because there are XUL related profile changes since 
> it came out.  Its already a pain for some user with email to migrate it 
> over to a new profile.. but there is an RFE for creating that functional 
> part too somewhere.
> Cheers,
> Dennis
> -dennis

I have two differents profiles for NS6.2.1 and Mozilla, so that's 
unfortunatetely not the problem.


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