OK, fellow Mozillians, what would it take to start a general purpose NG 
where nothing (legal) is OT?

There is currently a thread, "Warum hat Mozilla 0.9.9 so viele neue 
Bugs? Ein Sabotuer" running in n.p.m.general which has become a thread 
about the German language. This is totally OT for any Moz NG but is 
(IMHO) a very interesting thread anyway.

Sooner or later, in threads such as this, someone will cry, "OT", but 
there is nowhere to take it where it is On-topic.

The Internet is an international community, especially in the Open 
Source world, and being able to have interesting, informed, intellectual 
discussions with people from other countries, cultures, and with 
different mother-tongues, is fascinating, educational, and generally 
broadens ones horizons.

I subscribe to several FreeBSD mailing lists one of which is .chat. Over 
the years there have been many threads there which have been totally OT 
re FreeBSD but were extremely interesting nonetheless; wine, 
language/grammar, geography[1], the price of petrol (US:gas), US gun law 
(long threads those :-)).

For the most part those who frequent the n.p.m.* NGs are sensible, 
intelligent people with whom one can have an informed discussion so I 
believe we should have a NG where "anything (legal) goes"

Comments? Observations? Counter-proposals?

Flames > /dev/null



[1] As one Australian poster said in one thread, "I have studied a map 
of Australia and can safely state that Windows N.T. does not exist" :-)

"I would rather gnaw my leg off, pack the bleeding stump with salt,
  and run in a circle on broken glass than have to deal with any
  Microsoft product on a regular basis."
        -- Dan Zimmerman,
              Vanderbilt University, when asked about Windows NT.

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