On Mon, 25 Mar 2002 20:11:52 -0600, John Reyst wrote:
>> > 12. The presence/absence of a vertical scroll bar alters placement of
>> > items centered on a webpage, IE does not.
>> Well, yeah.  When the scroll bar appears, the display area gets smaller
>> by [x] pixels.  Therefore, to stay centered the content must shift
>> [x/2] pixels to the left.  Since IE always shows the scrollbar whether
>> you need it or not, you don't see this in IE.
> That is the case. It may be working as intended, but its annoying to see
> a page I designed shift left/right depending on if there is a scrollbar
> or not. Not a major issue, but its irritating none-the-less.

Yes, this bug drives me crazy too. The web designers I work with
aren't thrilled about it either. You try to design a site 
with a consistent look (like a centered logo) and Mozilla makes
stuff on the pages shift back and forth randomly depending 
on whether or not the scroll bar decides to show itself. We've 
taken to always using IE when showing new sites to customers 
simply because it's too hard to explain to them that their site 
isn't really broken, Mozilla just makes it look that way...

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