> This is all pretty unacceptable from a Windows user's point of
> view, and, as much as I love Mozilla, these things are constant
> annoyances for me.

Do Windows users just have higher standards? When it comes to interfaces, I
generally am not surprised (nor generally bothered) by slight niggling
annoyances in Linux. But in Windows, for an application that is ABOUT to go
1.0, I would not expect to see these types of things. Just picky I suppose,
but even Microsoft does better usually. Sure their security/stability is for
shit, but at least their user interfaces generally seem to work as intended
and get most every basic thing right. I have used many many different Linux
flavors from back to RH5, and I am used to user interface polishing being
pretty low on the priority scale, but for a Windows application, these
things *must* be fixed, or else the mass community will be like my wife and
just get irritated and go back to IE/M$. It seems like quite often many
developers just keep throwing in more and more half-working bells & whistles
when they should more appropriately be focusing on making the basics work
PERFECT. I am a big fan of Mozilla, and would like to have my wife and
daughters using it, but my daughter constantly complains that the types of
websites she goes to (barbie.com, cartoonnetwork.com, disney.com etc) don't
seem to work right, while my wife is generally ok with it other than the
annoying Password Manager dialog constantly popping up.

Anywaysss..... keep up the otherwise great work guys, I feel like its almost
there.... I really like Mozilla other than these few annoyances.

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