"Andrew W. Hagen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> There are a number of features that don't work perfectly yet. These
> include tabs, the sidebar, and some others. If you don't like the bugs,
> don't use them. I don't.

I have had really good luck with Tabs so far. The sidebar and themes seem
occasionally problematic.

> A lot of other stuff is regrettable, however. Mozilla needs to become a
> better application when it's on Windows. For example, go to a web site,
> open print preview, and then hit Alt-F4. The result is not what a
> Windows user would expect.

I would expect alt-f4 to close the window/application, and it did... What
was it supposed to do?

> That said, all indications are that version 1.0 will be the best web
> browser to date.

I am honestly excited about it and look forward to it.

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