"CarlosRivera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> I am just trying to stay ahead of the people that build databases on us

(I apologize, because this is not the right forum for this discussion... I
just need to get this out of my system.  Read on at your own risk.)

Out of curiosity, does it also bother you that people can make judgements
(and "databases") about your income and social status based on the car you
drive, the clothes you wear, the house in which you live, the job you hold,

Search engines could track your searches and make judgements about your
lifestyle; banks obviously keep information regarding the status of your
accounts and credit history; the police keep your criminal history on file;
the government knows plenty about you.  Heck, your ISP could theoretically
keep a complete history of your Internet activities if they wanted to.

Everything you do carries the consequence that other people might be able to
gather information about you.  We have to draw the line somewhere as to what
is acceptable and what isn't.  Several options have been proposed that will
assist you in hiding your screen resolution if you feel very strongly about
it.  I'd be willing to bet that for most of us, sending our screen
resolution to an HTTP server is within the bounds of acceptability.
*Especially* since it would be difficult to tie this information to a real
identity unless you enter your name somewhere on the site.  (And any site to
which you are giving your personal information should be governed by a
privacy policy you find acceptable.)  While it would be relatively trivial
to prevent a browser from submitting this information, incorporating as an
easy option in a browser might undermine the purpose of sending that
information in the first place: to allow the site to customize content based
on the user agent's abilities to present it.

I figure, hey, if companies want to waste their time and money collecting
insignificant data like screen resolution to judge my income bracket, it
certainly won't hurt me.  It's not like they are able to take and broadcast
a photograph of me naked.  The worst thing that could happen is that they
might be able to provide me with slightly-more-relevant product offerings
instead of the completely-irrelevant ones.  On the flip side, perhaps it
will help them cater to those with special needs or those viewing the site
on small-screen devices, etc.

(...apologies again...)


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