»Q« <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> Christopher Jahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
>> CarlosRivera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
>>> I have heard that web sites are using screen size (width, height)
>>> and depth to help track one.  For example, they could make a
>>> fairly reasonable guess that somebody with screen information of
>>> 640x480x256 or 1920x1280x32 is in a certain income category.
>>> They can also store this information and your IP subnet and track
>>> one.  I consider that my screen size and depth should be private.
>>>  Is there a way to set these sorts of properties for javascript
>>> to my choosing?
>> Where did you hear this?  This is a new one to me.
>> Javascript isn't used to determine screen size, and AFAIK the web
>> page and its server simply dish up HTML - your browser determines
>> how to fit it to your screen.
> Javascript is used to determine screen size.  See what happens if you
> enter

javascript *can be used* to determine screen size.  Doesn't mean it 
always is.

> javascript:alert('Your resolution is '+screen.width+'x'+screen.height)
> in the location bar.  I don't know how to disable it without disableing
> js itself.

}:-)       Christopher Jahn
{:-(       http://home.comcast.net/~xjahn/Main.html

"There's nothing you can do that can't be done." (John Lennon) 
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