Gervase Markham wrote:
HJ wrote:

I have a Yahoo e-mail account, and that uses SSL for logins.
Are you talking about the free Yahoo webmail or paid Yahoo e-mail accounts?

This was Dan's example; and I think he meant the login page was unencrypted but submitted to an encrypted target. Amazon does this also, I've noticed.

Yep, correct, which is probably done to save server resources.

2) We need a way to brand every browser window so that it can't be
   confused with an OS window. Just the status bar - a featureless grey
   blob - doesn't really do that. Having the domain makes it clear.

There is, or should be, (for now) that Mozilla Firefox icon (at least on Windows) at the upper left corner of the window (I don't have a clue what the official for it is).

Hmm, well, maybe. It's not really enough, though.

Fair enough, but it might help, at least for now.

ps s/official/official name

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