Julien Pierre wrote:

Hmm, ok, well I suppose that's true as an assumption,
and looking at Account / Settings ... the cert that
is now selected to sign for this email address is
*not* for this email address.  This may explain why
it didn't in the end sign for this email  ;-)

File a bug on the UI - it should be able to filter on e-mail address in the drop-down list, and either show only the matching certs, or warn you if you try to select one that doesn't match the account e-mail address.

I tried that, thanks!

No, create the cert without a CA and self-sign
it.  I know you won't like that, but IMHO until
that is done, S/MIME mail will never take off.

That's if you consider that self-signed certs have any value, and that there is any benefit to having people deploy S/MIME with self-signed certs, vs users not deploying S/MIME. IMO, there isn't, and the later is actually preferrable to the former .

Well, there's a vote for denying people access to
S/MIME unless they go through CAs.  I personally
don't see how that can fit with Mozilla's goals
and ethos, especially as it is intended to deliver
security to the average user.  Who, we are all
agreed, is not going to go through a CA just to
send an encrypted email.  It just ain't gonna
happen, even CACert is too expensive for the
average user.

I know you disagree on that point, but nevertheless, deploying S/MIME with self-signed certs will just give users a false sense of security.

A false sense of security only arises if we techies tell them its secure, when it isn't. Simple solution to that is ... don't tell them it's totally secure. Just tell the truth - it's secure against eavesdroppers.

Most users are not as dumb as techies think.

If you just come out and say "this encryption system
is not perfect, but it's free.  It has some quirks
to it, so don't trust your best secrets to it..."
they'll understand.

It's a bit like WEP, conceptually, which can be
cracked in seconds.  You don't see too many
people saying "turn off WEP, you'll be more
secure because you won't have a false sense of

Most people have no out-of-bounds channel to help them make the decision of trusting a self-signed-cert or not. And once trusted, these self-signed certs cannot be revoked, because they are roots, as somebody else already pointed out.

Most average users have out of band channels with most
people they email.  It is only us techies that spend
most of our lives glues to our screens emailing people
in other continents that don't have out of band

If you want to use that kind of environment without any binding of key to identity, there are other protocols available, such as PGP. Keep self-signed certs out of S/MIME .

My goal is security, not preservation or destruction of one or more products. I couldn't care less about S/MIME, PGP, browsing, or TCP/IP. I only care about whether the users have some security.

I see security in S/MIME, dormant.  What would it
take to enable that?  Make it spread virally?

There is no basis to _require_ a CA to handle
email, that's something that should be optional
and for companies, mostly.

It should be required for any reasonable understanding of the word "security". If everybody used self-signed certs, then the "security" button should be replaced with "screwing myself with crypto I don't understand", instead .

LOL... No, the problem with all the above is that
you have not and you cannot define security.

In terribly brief terms, anything you come up with
will probably be self-referential or subjective.
You literally cannot deliver any security to the
user until you have defined it, and as a point
of fact, in the PKI world, security is undefined
except as "what we do" or the like.

Which means it is not defined in terms suitable for
anyone to say this is better than that.


S/MIME requires the sending party to know his recipient's public key. That key is embedded in X.509 certificates.

Sorry, yes, I did discover later on that this is
simply an implementation choice.  The S/MIME standard
doesn't say how the certs should be delivered, so
there should be no problem in variants.

The S/MIME signature provides proof the sender is in possession of the private key matching the public key in his certificate. The certificate establishes the key was issued to the owner of the e-mail address.

If a self-signed certificate was used, anybody could send a fake email, signed with a self-signed cert, and there would be absolutely no way for the recipient to know that it didn't come from the legitimate owner of the email address listed in the certificate.

Yes, although if the petnames system were in
place this would be a defence against that.
Not that this would be a big deal, I don't
see self signed certs as anymore than a kludge
to enable S/MIME for later upgrading.  I'd
happily accept fake emails if I knew I could
encrypt to the 10 or so people I share secrets

The recipient might respond with an encrypted message, decipherable only by the attacker. If the attacker was somehow able to intercept the response, he might now be in possession of information that the recipient divulged only because he thought he was using a "secure" channel.

Yup. An MITM.

But is that security ? I think it's just messing with crypto .

That's security.  At least, let's define today's security
as "defeats all passive eavesdropping attacks, with known
and acknowledged weaknesses against active MITMs."

Now, why would that be valuable?  Because that happens to
be the threat to the average user.  (Barring phishing that
is :)  For the most part, the most stuff that users need
to worry about is eavesdroppers like their own family
members, people on their subnet listing to their 802.11b
or cable segment, or people in the ISP.  These attackers
don't do active attacks.

Covering this threat is a valuable thing.  Leaving out
the far more remote threat of an active MITM is a useful
compromise.  If it can be done for free, that's a great

If you think the above scenario is far-fetched, think about how much spam and fake e-mails you get in a day. If self-signed certs are acceptable, then the only thing stopping the attack above is trusting that the encrypted e-mail response never gets intercepted. That's a risk PKI is supposed to make irrelevant .

I'm sorry, but that's not logical.  If people start
using self-signed certs, and they discover that it
doesn't stop spam and fake e-mails, they are not
going to say "oh, you sold me a bill of goods, you
lied!"  They'll say "oh, and what do I need to stop
spam and phishing?"

And then you can say - if you so desire - "self-signed
certs are good enough for stopping eavesdroppers, but
if you really want to *identify* people, then you need
to get a CA signed cert.  PKI could make a difference

What you asking for in advocating for self-signed certs is basically reducing the value of S/MIME to zero.

I'm sorry, I don't understood why using one sort of
cert somehow blocks off any other sort of cert in
an email program?  I can see that it might present
an exclusive-or choice in browsing ... but not
surely in an email program?

Can't thunderbird handle multiple certs?  Is there
some critical bit in self-signed certs that breaks

If PGP email is "secure", and most PGP email is
not signed or WoT-checked, then what makes S/MIME
incapable of benefiting from the same effect?

Anyways, as Wren said, this is a polemic.  The real
security action is over in the phishing area, and
I hope Frank can get his policy pushed through pdq!

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