Ian G wrote:

> Right, but considering that this is *email*
> and CAs are simply some optional extra to do
> with commercial users (and we saw what they
> want) then when it comes to *email* there is
> no need to bash anyone's head over any issue.

I see 2 primary benefits of including a CA in the chain, firstly email
is spoofable, and unless you plan to use a white list to annoy the crap
out of everyone before you'll accept mail then the CA in most cases
includes a minimum level before issuing, at least I don't know of any
testing certs issued without a mail probe.

2nd benefit is in the revokation, how many PGP keys are floating round
in cyber space that can't be revoked?


Best regards,

http://www.cacert.org - Free Security Certificates
http://www.nodedb.com - Think globally, network locally
http://www.sydneywireless.com - Telecommunications Freedom
http://happysnapper.com.au - Sell your photos over the net!
http://e164.org - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers

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    but the optimist has a better time on the trip."
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