On Sat, 18 Jun 2005, Heikki Toivonen wrote:
> Ka-Ping Yee wrote:
> >     1.  We want an antiphishing tool that does not transmit a record
> >         of the user's browsing activity.
> Good.
> >     2.  We want an antiphishing tool that occupies modest or minimal
> >         screen space.
> Good.
> >     3.  We want an antiphishing tool that is deployable without
> >         requiring major changes to server security infrastructure.
> Any short term solution will have a requirement that says: no server
> changes required. Long term everything is possible, but the less changes
> the better, of course.

Right.  Let's say "minimal or no changes" for now, then.  If a solution
does demand major changes, we're unlikely to ever get those changes to
happen unless we can get it off the ground with minimal or no changes
(chicken-and-egg problem).

> I think a fourth point is required as well:
>      4. No (or minimal) input from user.
> And perhaps another point should be explicitly mentioned:
>      5. Easy to use.

It seems that condition 4 can be subsumed by condition 5 -- that is,
if "no user input" really is an important requirement, then it is
part of "easy to use".  Is that a reasonable way of looking at it?

For example, if usability studies show that a given antiphishing tool
is usable and effective, would you be willing to set aside condition 4
and accept that result?

-- ?!ng
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