Ian Grigg wrote:
This is clearly not the case - in partnership with the other browser vendors, we are together working out the most appropriate UI and then all implementing it.

This is news.  Are you intending to announce this or
does it remain "embargoed" ?  What is "clear" about it?
Who's "in" and who's "out" ?

It's not announced yet because it's still very much a draft, and because some organisations involved are a little reticent about their involvement. To take a phrase out of your book, "the word is 'diplomacy'".

You (mozilla, you, everyone within) are not playing

So fair is "OK, I have big reservations about your ideas but I'm going to implement them anyway"?

I've just noticed that this email has three more pages to it. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to read it, as I can see it's just an abusive monologue.

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