Felix von Leitner wrote:

> I wonder where the myth that joint stereo would somehow adversely affect
> quality comes from.  Was it the web pages from the BladeEnc guy?  I
> don't know.  Anyway, joint stereo does not make the signal and worse, it
> just allows for a better bandwidth use because on most signals the bulk
> of the sound is equal on both channels.  With joint stereo, this part is
> only encoded once for both channels, so this is a good thing.

It was well known 2 or 3 years ago that Fraunhofers' joint-stereo (l3enc) at any
bitrate sometimes produced horrible distortion in the treble when the left & right
channels were partially out of phase.  I found it mostly encoding older 70's songs
but it did crop up in modern songs ocasionally.  I switched from l3enc@128 to
BladeEnc@160 as soon as it was available and the results were 1000% better.
BladeEnc doesn't use JS at all.  These days JS is much better in all the popular


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