Mark Taylor schrieb am Sam, 30 Sep 2000:
> It passes all my test cases, so no unexpected changes to the
> algorithms :-).  I had some comments yesterday, but I see
> a lot of them have already been fixed today.

        strange, a simple make test resulted previously in perfect agreement,
        but not anymore now:

Encoding testcase.wav to
Encoding as 44.1 kHz 128 kbps j-stereo MPEG-1 LayerIII (11.0x)  qval=2
LAME version 3.88 (alpha 1)    (
Using polyphase lowpass  filter, transition band: 15115 Hz - 15648 Hz
    Frame          |  CPU time/estim | REAL time/estim | play/CPU |    ETA
    23/22    (100%)|    0:00/    0:00|    0:00/    0:00|   0.6991x|    0:00
cmp -l testcase.mp3 | wc
     23      69     345                                                         

        But the reason for this seems to be, that the old testcase 
        is for LAME version 3.87 alpha. So the difference is only
        this text in the ancillary data section of the MP3s.

        A note to everyone who increases the version number, think
        about the testcases too.

        Ciao Robert

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