In reply to Robert Hegemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Second: With some (usually high) bitrates, LAME seems to mangle the
>>> bitstream.  The effect is usually to hear short bursts of garbage in the
>>> left channel, but it seems to depend on the input file as well as the
>>> bitrate. Not all frames are affected.
>       Rob, can you provide us with a short example track?

I'm happy to report this turned out to be a bug in my code, not in LAME.

I didn't anticipate well enough the possible resulting main_data() lengths
for some of these very high bitrates. I think I've properly recalculated the
maximum main_data length to be 16380 bits, since each part2_3_length is
limited to 2^12 - 1. Does this seem right?

I suppose a legitimate decoder might well refuse to decode a stream with
main_data() lengths exceeding the 7680-bit buffer limit imposed by ISO/IEC

My next release of MAD should have this fixed and will fully support any
free format bitrate produced by LAME... with the exception of MPEG 2.5

On that subject, where can I get "official" documentation for the so-called
MPEG 2.5 format?


Rob Leslie
MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( )

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