> True, it was the -t encode switch.
> By the way, isn't "lame -?" << -t  disable writing wav header when
> using --decode >> a bit misleading about this?
Yes, that is a little misleading: "-t" option is listed twice,
since it disables wav headers when decoding, and disables
Xing headers when encoding.  

> Thank you,
> Liviu
> P.S. The resulting .wav's are slightly _smaller_ than the original, see file
> listing below - t4.wav is the original wav, t4*.mp3 the encoded mp3's and
> t4*.wav the decoded wav's.

Could easily be a bug in LAME.  But before I look into this, can
you do one more thing:  compare the .wav headers?  LAME writes
a very spartin .wav header.  t4.wav may include some extra "chunks"
not in the LAME produced wav headers.

>     14,276,684    t4.wav
>      2,590,511    t4_b256_ms_h.mp3
>      1,862,685    t4_V1_b128_mj_q1.mp3
>      1,862,268    t4_V1_b128_mj_q1_t.mp3
>     14,275,816    t4_b256_ms_h.wav
>     14,280,424    t4_V1_b128_mj_q1.wav
>     14,275,816    t4_V1_b128_mj_q1_t.wav

There does seem to be a bug in lame 3.87 - the decoder no longer
recognizes the VBR header, and instead encodes it as silence.
This is why t4_V1_b128_mj_q1.wav is larger.

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