Hi All,

I'm attempting to make a simple, square-lattice version of the
hole-slab.ctl example that comes with MPB.  However, I can't seem to
understand the dimensions of the simulation cell I produce (or for that
matter, the original).  From my code I expect to see a simulation cell that
has a z-length four times its x-length or y-length.  However, viewing the
structure as a .vtk file in Mayavi2 shows a z-length that is approximately
twice the x-length or y-length.

Am I misinterpreting my code, or is it possible the .vtk files are
distorted somehow?


(define-param h 0.5) ; the thickness of the slab
(define-param eps 12.0) ; the dielectric constant of the slab
(define-param loweps 1.0) ; the dielectric constant of the substrate
(define-param r 0.3) ; the radius of the holes
(define-param supercell-h 4) ; height of the supercell

; square lattice with vertical supercell:
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size 1 1 supercell-h)
                         (basis1 1 0)
                         (basis2 0 1)))

(set! geometry
      (list (make block (material (make dielectric (epsilon loweps)))
                  (center 0 0 (* 0.25 supercell-h))
                  (size infinity infinity (* 0.5 supercell-h)))
            (make block (material (make dielectric (epsilon eps)))
                  (center 0) (size infinity infinity h))
            (make cylinder (material air)
                  (center 0) (radius r) (height supercell-h))))
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