Hello Dr. Steven and MPB users,

I am new to the software MPB. I am doing my M.Tech research in Photonic
Crystals and am trying to make a *High Q H1 photonic crystal nanocavity
that has small modal volume and high external coupling efficiency on a
photonic crystal slab*.
I have gone through all the examples given in the software such as point
defect, hole-slab,etc. I am facing problems to design a H1 PhC nanocavity
on a PCS.
I would appreciate if you can send me a ctl file of a H1 cavity in PCS that
calculates Q factor, mode volume and external coupling efficiency, so that
I can go through that example to understand cavity design.
I also want to ask, how can I change my Lattice constant 'a', as by default
its value is 1 and I want to make it 265 nm.

Thanks in advance!

Looking forward for your reply.

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