On 16/08/2014 07:15, Max Kellermann wrote:
> On 2014/08/15 21:22, François Revol <re...@free.fr> wrote:
>> According to POSIX and both OSX and Linux manpages,
>> strcasecmp comes from strings.h, not string.h.
>> Most OSes also have them available in string.h,
>> but we just fixed the headers on Haiku and it now
>> only provides them in strings.h.
>> We might want to fall back to string.h for other
>> OSes though...
> Merged to v0.18.x.


> I removed the HAVE_STRINGS_H check.  This is a standard header that
> must be present always and I don't like to clutter the code

Well I noticed configure checked for both, so...

> unnecessarily with compile-time checks.  In any case, what if
> strings.h is not available?

Then I guess we have to fallback to string.h on broken OSes
(I can't believe I'm saying this, I've been told this so many times
about Haiku :D).

> Note that including config.h from a header can break the build.  It
> must be the first thing that every source file includes.  That's why
> headers that depend on config.h must include check.h first.  The
> problem is that some libc compile-time checks are done only once, and
> if at this time config.h was not yet included, the wrong definitions
> will be used.

I tested building on Haiku and Debian, but do as you see fit. Works for
me in any case.


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