As far as David's comment on warnings "Right Steve?".   Please keep an even
hand at the tiller for warnings.  I got a bit tried of mis-informed people
getting their non-germane posts through continuously.  It seems to me that
some people feel that they can post something that violates the policies,
and continue to do it.  There needs to be a heavy hand on those people, or
just open the door and allow everyone to do this.

Regarding the SD59 races.....
Evan, I'm glad to see that you're involved, but I'd suggest that you re-look
at the SD59 races.  There are some very good and interesting contests here.
Bowman vs. Khan & Meyer vs. Pogemiller.  The battles over education, and
solid sane representation are great causes to take up. Everyone agrees that
we are far too over taxed.  Even some of the democrats over here are running
on this subject (talk about a Gore-ish flip-flop).

Regarding Linda's race.....
I've have found her to be a very dedicated person to representing the
interests of the people in her district.  She has a common sense approach to
government that appears to be in lock step with her district.  So, leave it
to the people of her district.

About Ron E. running for mayor.....
Has anyone heard anything from him about his vision for the city of
Minneapolis?  Don't think so.  Let us wait until he has a chance to talk on
his own behalf!  I really can't wait to hear from him on what he'd like to
do as Mayor.  It'll be a refreshing change to hear some vision for all of
the people of Minneapolis, instead of how the city council and mayor can run
the taxpayer base out of the city. A great change of pace.

Steve Sumner
Mpls. Ward 1

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