Thanks to David for raising the question and for forwarding David Heistad's 
response. Quite obviously, Heistad was saying that the use of those 
statistics as proof of anything is not justified.

I, too, am a strong supporter of the would be civic folly to 
let it fail, but...

At some point folks have got to yell a little bit about such use of 
statistics. I have great respect for both Catherine Shreves and Dave Heistad. 
Both are in this awkward position of having to provide proof of something 
that simply cannot be proven.

Those who understand statistics are likely to be folks who support the 
referendum and simply smile. The hope is the great unwashed won't notice.

At some point, the only way to help preserve the integrity of the poltiical 
process and some good public servants may be to provide an outcry against 
such take them to task for using statistics in misleading ways.

I am not sure the end—however important to so many people—do justifies the 

Dennis Schapiro
Linden Hills

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