I have read some posts here brimming with nostalgia for the Flame and

I have been to the Flame and Moby's places. Moby's was fun for awhile
but later on...

What I remember about them was the rash of stabbings that that happened
at both of them.  It always seemed that there was a stabbing or shots
fired incident at these two places - usually weekly towards the end. 
Also they were famous for having patrons dragged out in the alley and
getting the crap kicked out of them, and rolled. [Rolled means taking
your wallet, money, watch, jewelry etc.]

If being "sanitized", as one post said, means not having this sort of
violence then I am all for it.

Barbara Lickness wrote:

> I used to love to drag my timid suburban scardy cat
> friends down to Moby Dick's to show em' what city life
> was all about.  It was usually a pretty good hoot and
> we were always guaranteed a great show! The company I
> worked for frowned on me dragging clients in
> there,but, even they enjoyed the experience. Block E
> was hoppin' then!

Rich McMartin
Bryant Neighborhood of Minneapolis

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