The Suburban fright syndrome is not new.  In the 70's
and 80's I worked in Eden Prairie and lived in Loring
Park and then by Lake Nokomis.  My friends at work
used to be scared to visit me, even by Lake Nokomis
which I consider to be Golden Pond.

I used to love to drag my timid suburban scardy cat
friends down to Moby Dick's to show em' what city life
was all about.  It was usually a pretty good hoot and
we were always guaranteed a great show! The company I
worked for frowned on me dragging clients in
there,but, even they enjoyed the experience. Block E
was hoppin' then!

I think this attitude has nothing whatsoever to do
with the image of Minneapolis or whats going on here. 
It has everything to do with perception from people in
the suburbs who simply aren't comfortable with the
density in the city life and the diversity.  They fear
anything that looks different than they do. Oops,
there I go generalizing. Sorry about that. 

It also has a lot to do with the media. When I was
crime and safety chair for the Whittier Alliance
during the "Murderapolis" years, we couldn't drag the
press kicking and screaming into our neighborhood when
we were doing something good or positive. But, let
there be a shooting, a rape or a murder and the press
would be there with bells on sometimes before the

On another subject, does anyone know why George Bush
has a bandage on his face?  Did someone clock him?

Barb Lickness
Ward 6 

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