Barb writes:

>In the end I wish the list would get just as heated
>over the affordable housing crisis and solicit what
>candidates think about that and more importantly just
>how they would try to deal with the problem....
>Campaign finance disclosure makes for interesting
>discussion but is hardly the most germane issue that
>candidates should be facing in this election.

I hope people don't try to split campaign-finance reform from the important
issues they care about.

My guess is that if you asked affordable-housing advocates if RT's
campaign-finance changes would help or hurt their cause, those advocates
would say "help." Anything that reduces the role of money in politics -- and
squishes the advantage those who write checks have over those who can't --
should be a plus for helping the less well-off.

And let's not oppose every reform because it isn't the big "magic bullet"
that solves your issue. The political system is just that -- a system --
with lots of people working on lots of fronts for beneficial changes.
Individually, those changes may seem minor, but together, they could add up
to something powerful.

The biggest civic political problem is apathy, and the sense you can't make
a difference. The enemy isn't those fighting for a good idea that might not
be grand enough; it's the bad ideas, or those that keep the public tuned out
of the process. Let's support the good ideas, work together, and knit
together our positive passions. The candidate that does that is the one I'll
vote for.

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

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