<< [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote..

The question I ask the Greens who are coming to the DFL Party conventions
and meetings,  is it okay for me to start organizing DFLers in large
numbers that agree with the issues of the Green Party and getting them
to attend Green
Party meetings and endorsing conventions?  I think we saw what happened
in that scenario with the Reform Party last year and Pat Buchanan's
candidacy.  To my Green Party friends and to those I don't know, YOU DO

I agree with this in principle. In practice, however, I think we need to take 
into account that we are not talking apples and oranges here. The DFL has a 
monopoly on partisan politics in Minneapolis. That means that, for most 
Minneapolis progressives, the only viable venue for electoral activism is 
their ward and city DFL conventions.

Some of our Green Party candidates are considering attending their DFL ward 
conventions, because they provide such good opportunities to connect with 
their neighbors and hear what their interests and concerns are in these city 
races. I believe these candidates are making a good faith effort to be 
responsive and accessible by doing this. 

By the way, Chris Allison's assertion that "dfler's are lining up in droves 
to attempt to get the green party endorsement this spring" is stretching 
things just a little bit! :-)

-- Holle Brian
(612) 822-6593
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